There are two mutually-exclusive methods to set the Postgres Operator configuration.

  • ConfigMaps-based, the legacy one. The configuration is supplied in a key-value configmap, defined by the CONFIG_MAP_NAME environment variable. Non-scalar values, i.e. lists or maps, are encoded in the value strings using the comma-based syntax for lists and coma-separated key:value syntax for maps. String values containing ':' should be enclosed in quotes. The configuration is flat, parameter group names below are not reflected in the configuration structure. There is an example

  • CRD-based configuration. The configuration is stored in the custom YAML manifest, an instance of the custom resource definition (CRD) called postgresql-operator-configuration. This CRD is registered by the operator during the start when POSTGRES_OPERATOR_CONFIGURATION_OBJECT variable is set to a non-empty value. The CRD-based configuration is a regular YAML document; non-scalar keys are simply represented in the usual YAML way. The usage of the CRD-based configuration is triggered by setting the POSTGRES_OPERATOR_CONFIGURATION_OBJECT variable, which should point to the postgresql-operator-configuration object name in the operators namespace. There are no default values built-in in the operator, each parameter that is not supplied in the configuration receives an empty value. In order to create your own configuration just copy the default one and change it.

CRD-based configuration is more natural and powerful then the one based on ConfigMaps and should be used unless there is a compatibility requirement to use an already existing configuration. Even in that case, it should be rather straightforward to convert the configmap based configuration into the CRD-based one and restart the operator. The ConfigMaps-based configuration will be deprecated and subsequently removed in future releases.

Note that for the CRD-based configuration configuration groups below correspond to the non-leaf keys in the target YAML (i.e. for the Kubernetes resources the key is kubernetes). The key is mentioned alongside the group description. The ConfigMap-based configuration is flat and does not allow non-leaf keys.

Since in the CRD-based case the operator needs to create a CRD first, which is controlled by the resource_check_interval and resource_check_timeout parameters, those parameters have no effect and are replaced by the CRD_READY_WAIT_INTERVAL and CRD_READY_WAIT_TIMEOUT environment variables. They will be deprecated and removed in the future.

Variable names are underscore-separated words.


Those are top-level keys, containing both leaf keys and groups.

  • etcd_host Etcd connection string for Patroni defined as host:port. Not required when Patroni native Kubernetes support is used. The default is empty (use Kubernetes-native DCS).

  • docker_image Spilo docker image for postgres instances. For production, don't rely on the default image, as it might be not the most up-to-date one. Instead, build your own Spilo image from the github repository.

  • sidecar_docker_images a map of sidecar names to docker images for the containers to run alongside Spilo. In case of the name conflict with the definition in the cluster manifest the cluster-specific one is preferred.

  • workers number of working routines the operator spawns to process requests to create/update/delete/sync clusters concurrently. The default is 4.

  • max_instances operator will cap the number of instances in any managed postgres cluster up to the value of this parameter. When -1 is specified, no limits are applied. The default is -1.

  • min_instances operator will run at least the number of instances for any given postgres cluster equal to the value of this parameter. When -1 is specified, no limits are applied. The default is -1.

  • resync_period period between consecutive sync requests. The default is 5m.

Postgres users

Parameters describing Postgres users. In a CRD-configuration, they are grouped under the users key.

  • super_username postgres superuser name to be created by initdb. The default is postgres.

  • replication_username postgres username used for replication between instances. The default is standby.

Kubernetes resources

Parameters to configure cluster-related Kubernetes objects created by the operator, as well as some timeouts associated with them. In a CRD-based configuration they are grouped under the kubernetes key.

  • pod_service_account_name service account used by Patroni running on individual Pods to communicate with the operator. Required even if native Kubernetes support in Patroni is not used, because Patroni keeps pod labels in sync with the instance role. The default is operator.

  • pod_service_account_definition The operator tries to create the pod Service Account in the namespace that doesn't define such an account using the YAML definition provided by this option. If not defined, a simple definition that contains only the name will be used. The default is empty.

  • pod_terminate_grace_period Patroni pods are terminated forcefully after this timeout. The default is 5m.

  • watched_namespace The operator watches for postgres objects in the given namespace. If not specified, the value is taken from the operator namespace. A special * value makes it watch all namespaces. The default is empty (watch the operator pod namespace).

  • pdb_name_format defines the template for PDB (Pod Disruption Budget) names created by the operator. The default is postgres-{cluster}-pdb, where {cluster} is replaced by the cluster name. Only the {cluster} placeholders is allowed in the template.

  • secret_name_template a template for the name of the database user secrets generated by the operator. {username} is replaced with name of the secret, {cluster} with the name of the cluster, {tprkind} with the kind of CRD (formerly known as TPR) and {tprgroup} with the group of the CRD. No other placeholders are allowed. The default is {username}.{cluster}.credentials.{tprkind}.{tprgroup}.

  • oauth_token_secret_name a name of the secret containing the OAuth2 token to pass to the teams API. The default is postgresql-operator.

  • infrastructure_roles_secret_name name of the secret containing infrastructure roles names and passwords.

  • pod_role_label name of the label assigned to the postgres pods (and services/endpoints) by the operator. The default is spilo-role.

  • cluster_labels list of name:value pairs for additional labels assigned to the cluster objects. The default is application:spilo.

  • cluster_name_label name of the label assigned to Kubernetes objects created by the operator that indicates which cluster a given object belongs to. The default is cluster-name.

  • node_readiness_label a set of labels that a running and active node should possess to be considered ready. The operator uses values of those labels to detect the start of the Kubernetes cluster upgrade procedure and move master pods off the nodes to be decommissioned. When the set is not empty, the operator also assigns the Affinity clause to the postgres pods to be scheduled only on ready nodes. The default is empty.

  • toleration a dictionary that should contain key, operator, value and effect keys. In that case, the operator defines a pod toleration according to the values of those keys. See kubernetes documentation for details on taints and tolerations. The default is empty.

  • pod_environment_configmap a name of the ConfigMap with environment variables to populate on every pod. Right now this ConfigMap is searched in the namespace of the postgres cluster. All variables from that ConfigMap are injected to the pod's environment, on conflicts they are overridden by the environment variables generated by the operator. The default is empty.

Kubernetes resource requests

This group allows you to configure resource requests for the Postgres pods. Those parameters are grouped under the postgres_pod_resources key in a CRD-based configuration.

  • default_cpu_request CPU request value for the postgres containers, unless overridden by cluster-specific settings. The default is 100m.

  • default_memory_request memory request value for the postgres containers, unless overridden by cluster-specific settings. The default is 100Mi.

  • default_cpu_limit CPU limits for the postgres containers, unless overridden by cluster-specific settings. The default is 3.

  • default_memory_limit memory limits for the postgres containers, unless overridden by cluster-specific settings. The default is 1Gi.

Operator timeouts

This set of parameters define various timeouts related to some operator actions, affecting pod operations and CRD creation. In the CRD-based configuration resource_check_interval and resource_check_timeout have no effect, and the parameters are grouped under the timeouts key in the CRD-based configuration.

  • resource_check_interval interval to wait between consecutive attempts to check for the presence of some Kubernetes resource (i.e. StatefulSet or PodDisruptionBudget). The default is 3s.

  • resource_check_timeout timeout when waiting for the presence of a certain Kubernetes resource (i.e. StatefulSet or PodDisruptionBudget) before declaring the operation unsuccessful. The default is 10m.

  • pod_label_wait_timeout timeout when waiting for the pod role and cluster labels. Bigger value gives Patroni more time to start the instance; smaller makes the operator detect possible issues faster. The default is 10m.

  • pod_deletion_wait_timeout timeout when waiting for the pods to be deleted when removing the cluster or recreating pods. The default is 10m.

  • ready_wait_interval the interval between consecutive attempts waiting for the postgres CRD to be created. The default is 5s.

  • ready_wait_timeout the timeout for the complete postgres CRD creation. The default is 30s.

Those options affect the behavior of load balancers created by the operator. In the CRD-based configuration they are grouped under the load_balancer key.

  • db_hosted_zone DNS zone for the cluster DNS name when the load balancer is configured for the cluster. Only used when combined with external-dns and with the cluster that has the load balancer enabled. The default is

  • enable_master_load_balancer toggles service type load balancer pointing to the master pod of the cluster. Can be overridden by individual cluster settings. The default is true.

  • enable_replica_load_balancer toggles service type load balancer pointing to the replica pod of the cluster. Can be overridden by individual cluster settings. The default is false.

  • master_dns_name_format defines the DNS name string template for the master load balancer cluster. The default is {cluster}.{team}.{hostedzone}, where {cluster} is replaced by the cluster name, {team} is replaced with the team name and {hostedzone} is replaced with the hosted zone (the value of the db_hosted_zone parameter). No other placeholders are allowed.

replica_dns_name_format** defines the DNS name string template for the replica load balancer cluster. The default is {cluster}-repl.{team}.{hostedzone}, where {cluster} is replaced by the cluster name, {team} is replaced with the team name and {hostedzone} is replaced with the hosted zone (the value of the db_hosted_zone parameter). No other placeholders are allowed.

AWS or GSC interaction

The options in this group configure operator interactions with non-Kubernetes objects from AWS or Google cloud. They have no effect unless you are using either. In the CRD-based configuration those options are grouped under the aws_or_gcp key.

  • wal_s3_bucket S3 bucket to use for shipping WAL segments with WAL-E. A bucket has to be present and accessible by Patroni managed pods. At the moment, supported services by Spilo are S3 and GCS. The default is empty.

  • log_s3_bucket S3 bucket to use for shipping postgres daily logs. Works only with S3 on AWS. The bucket has to be present and accessible by Patroni managed pods. At the moment Spilo does not yet support this. The default is empty.

  • kube_iam_role AWS IAM role to supply in the annotation of Patroni pods. Only used when combined with kube2iam project on AWS. The default is empty.

  • aws_region AWS region used to store ESB volumes. The default is eu-central-1.

Debugging the operator

Options to aid debugging of the operator itself. Grouped under the debug key.

  • debug_logging boolean parameter that toggles verbose debug logs from the operator. The default is true.

  • enable_db_access boolean parameter that toggles the functionality of the operator that require access to the postgres database, i.e. creating databases and users. The default is true.

Automatic creation of human users in the database

Options to automate creation of human users with the aid of the teams API service. In the CRD-based configuration those are grouped under the teams_api key.

  • enable_teams_api boolean parameter that toggles usage of the Teams API by the operator. The default is true.

  • teams_api_url contains the URL of the Teams API service. There is a demo implementation. The default is

  • team_api_role_configuration postgres parameters to apply to each team member role. The default is 'log_statement:all'. It is possible to supply multiple options, separating them by commas. Options containing commas within the value are not supported, with the exception of the search_path. For instance:

yaml teams_api_role_configuration: "log_statement:all,search_path:'data,public'" The default is "log_statement:all"

  • enable_team_superuser whether to grant superuser to team members created from the Teams API. The default is false.

  • team_admin_role role name to grant to team members created from the Teams API. The default is admin, that role is created by Spilo as a NOLOGIN role.

  • pam_role_name when set, the operator will add all team member roles to this group and add a pg_hba line to authenticate members of that role via pam. The default is zalandos.

  • pam_configuration when set, should contain a URL to use for authentication against the username and the token supplied as the password. Used in conjunction with pam_oauth2 module. The default is uid realm=/employees.

  • protected_roles List of roles that cannot be overwritten by an application, team or infrastructure role. The default is admin.

Logging and REST API

Parameters affecting logging and REST API listener. In the CRD-based configuration they are grouped under the logging_rest_api key.

  • api_port REST API listener listens to this port. The default is 8080.

  • ring_log_lines number of lines in the ring buffer used to store cluster logs. The default is 100.

  • cluster_history_entries number of entries in the cluster history ring buffer. The default is 1000.

Scalyr options

Those parameters define the resource requests/limits and properties of the scalyr sidecar. In the CRD-based configuration they are grouped under the scalyr key.

  • scalyr_api_key API key for the Scalyr sidecar. The default is empty.

  • scalyr_image Docker image for the Scalyr sidecar. The default is empty.

  • scalyr_server_url server URL for the Scalyr sidecar. The default is

  • scalyr_cpu_request CPU request value for the Scalyr sidecar. The default is 100m.

  • scalyr_memory_request Memory request value for the Scalyr sidecar. The default is 50Mi.

  • scalyr_cpu_limit CPU limit value for the Scalyr sidecar. The default is 1.

  • scalyr_memory_limit Memory limit value for the Scalyr sidecar. The default is 1Gi.